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PRP and Plasma

Welcome to the Biomolecular Homepage of Dr. Hans J. Poessel, a highly experienced German Orthopaedic Surgeon with a PhD in Biological Medicine (UK), currently practicing in the UAE since 2009.
“Here, I present to you a comprehensive overview of Platelet Enriched Plasma (PRP) Therapy in Orthopaedics and Bone Marrow Aspirate (BMA), a revolutionary approach in the field of regenerative medicine.”

What is Platelet Enriched Plasma (PRP) Therapy?

Platelet Enriched Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a cutting-edge technique that utilizes the natural healing properties of platelets found in your own blood to promote tissue repair and regeneration. Platelets contain growth factors and other bioactive molecules that play a vital role in initiating and accelerating the healing process like cytokines. Dr. Hans J. Poessel offers this innovative therapy optional to help patients with a wide range of Orthopaedic conditions.

The Process: (PRP uses peripheral Blood, BMA uses Bone-bound Blood)

1. Blood Sample: A small sample of your own blood is taken, just like a routine blood test.

2. Platelet Separation: The blood sample is processed using a centrifuge machine to separate the platelets from other components of the blood, creating a concentrated platelet-rich plasma.

3. Platelet Activation: The platelet-rich plasma is then carefully activated to release growth factors and other healing substances that stimulate tissue regeneration.

4. Separation: After Activation Protocol the probe is prepared in a centrifuge, to isolate the Injectable plasma from the fixed cells. (cell free, partly cell, cell mixed treatment optional)

5. Injection: The activated and separated platelet-rich plasma, now referred to as PRP, is precisely injected into the injured or affected area also under the guidance of advanced imaging techniques.

Applications in Orthopaedics:

1. Joint Conditions: PRP Therapy has shown promising results in the treatment of various joint conditions, including osteoarthritis, tendinitis, and ligament sprains. The growth factors present in PRP can help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.

2. Sports Injuries: Athletes often suffer from injuries such as repeated muscle strains, tendonitis, and ligament tears. PRP Therapy can be used as an effective treatment option to speed up the healing process, allowing athletes to return to their activities faster.

3. Chronic Pain: PRP Therapy can provide relief for chronic pain caused by musculoskeletal conditions. It can be utilized to address conditions like rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow, and plantar fasciitis, offering a non-surgical alternative with potential long-term benefits.

Benefits of PRP Therapy:

  • Non-surgical: PRP Therapy is a minimally invasive procedure, reducing the need for extensive surgeries and associated risks.
  • Natural Healing: The therapy utilizes your body’s own healing mechanisms, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions or complications.
  • Faster Recovery: By stimulating tissue regeneration, PRP Therapy can potentially accelerate the healing process, leading to quicker recovery times.
  • Personalized Treatment: Each PRP injection is tailored to the patient’s specific needs, ensuring a personalized approach to address their unique Orthopaedic condition.

Dr. Hans J. Poessel’s Expertise: With over a decade of experience in the UAE, Dr. Hans J. has further perfected his expertise in Platelet Enriched Plasma (PRP) Therapy. He combines his knowledge of Orthopaedics and biological medicine to deliver optimal treatment outcomes for his patients. Dr. Poessel is dedicated to staying up to date with the latest advancements in PRP Therapy and employs state-of-the-art techniques to ensure the highest level of care.

Conclusion: Platelet Enriched Plasma (PRP) Therapy is an innovative and effective approach in Orthopaedic treatment, harnessing the regenerative potential of your own blood to promote healing and alleviate pain. With Dr. Hans J. Poessel’s expertise in PRP Therapy and his commitment to patient care, you can trust that you are in capable hands.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore the possibilities of PRP Therapy for your Orthopaedic needs.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Discover the power of PRP and Plasma Treatment for non-surgical treatment of your orthopaedic conditions.

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Health Tips & Info

Doc Hans is using the currently only FDA approved PRP Sets from Regenlabs©

BMA, Bone Marrow aspirate need a lot more efforts for getting the medium and handling. Therefore costs are in Doc Hans clinic considered not optimal for Outpatient use.
Within Surgery however, we have solutions to directly apply it to locations of interest.

Find here the 3 units of Bio-molcular Orthopaedics in Dr. Hans J. Poessel’s clinic.

Where Can I Go To Provide A Sample For Testing?

The Testing and Harvesting depends of the Amount of Cells required and the Target you want to reach. Myeloblastic Stem cells will be collected either from peripheral Blood after enrichment in your body, from your fat cells or from your bone marrow. The Fat Cell collection let most cells survive for use and is done in a mini-Liposuction like procedure. In the end you are required go to the doctor doing the treatment and setting the protocol. Any change of Doctor or Location or Country comes most likely with a change of that protocol.

What happens to my sample once I have provided it?

Once your sample is collected in either way, it can only be used for yourself (autologous usage) PRP, BMA, Cell treatment has different protocols. In PRP the process between phlebotomy and Injection is in moth systems within 1 hr. Exemptions are seen in the transplantation of Stem Cells for Leukemia or Cancer after radiation Treatment. Here is a heterology usage possible after factor compatibility testing only. Kindly refer to the non orthopaedic specialties providing this, which mostly is done under hematologist or oncologist.

What will laboratory testing cost me?

The autology usage is most spreaded and the least costly, price is in the end depending on the method that is used for collection and concentration usage. For Example, PRP is in most clinics around 1000 AED for one shot usage (6-10ml of PRP), and 3000 for a triple shot usage. For joints there is an option with Hyaluronic Fluid included already, hence the price is a little higher. Doc Hans uses in his clinics only the best documented equipment, currently from REGENLABS© out of Switzerland. Stem cell collection is not available for under 6000 AED due to the massive safety and Instruments involvement. It should be taken from you in a surgery room like atmosphere only. In the UAE however there are different requirements and options for Inpatient and Outpatient setup. Kindly refer to your provider for details given by authorities. Any Non- orthopaedic full Bone Marrow aspiration, conservation and transplantation as live tissue for cancer treatment goes much higher in the 6 digits. Any cover by Insurances depends on the current studies and Publication density as well as the acceptance of authorities. Too many unclear, money keen practitioners promise a lot so the authorities cannot be blamed for setting up a security level for the people.

Using Innovative Technology

Like with all innovative Methods, the scientific research and experience is fluent and growing. As an experienced research doctor, Dr. Hans J Poessel, PhD. is on the top of current discussion and is member for several research and publication services collecting and spreading data worldwide. You will for sure with him receive the latest Information status before any payment and any recommendation for usage in your treatment.